Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Attention Fuakshiet haters!

After 5 minutes of purely analyzing traces of Mr Fuakshiet, I've come to a conclusion of who he is. Not confirmed, but 99.99999% should be correct.

Main evidence: The accused mixes up Kei with Rachel. HE thinks Kei = Rachel.

Source A
Here's the comment from Kei's catastrophic post that set set the blog ablaze:
Anonymous: "Rachel ,why so rude. Iknow who is the culprit. He is just fooling around , and you take it so seriouslt. Very disappointing. And moreover , this only involve the person itself , why paint the family as whores and other dirty things . I tell you lah, it is me. and iam quite furious that you drag my family into this. u better aoplogise."

Source B
And here's something I found on the tagboard:
John: Tsk Tsk , racel ,why so rude. Call the people ******** for what. Very uncivilised you know.

Isn't it obvious??????????????????????????
WHO ELSE mixes up Kei as Rachel? WHO ELSE makes spelling mistakes but never corrects them on tagboards? WHO ELSE says 'I want I want'? WHO ELSE puts spaces in between their commas????
Furthermore, IP address of John's = spammers. :D LOL.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, right cw? We OWNAGE (^^ kei) LOL. All this wihle we've been screaming at some imaginary idiot, we even gave him a name. It was the person we suspected all along -.- Yeah, he wants he wants.

Nice try john. See u guys tomorrow. :)

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