Friday, November 30, 2007

Let's learn Portuguese

Yoz, some of u in Tendays were probably wondering WTH the guy said in my post....well, it seems that he/she was typing in Portuguese.....wierd...wad's someone like that doing here....wanna have fun with John isit-anyway, here's the translated text:

"Hi, I found your blog by google is well liked this interesting post. I would like to talk about CresceNet. The CresceNet is a provider of Internet dialup that remunera its users by the time connected. Exactly what you have read, you are paying to connect. The provider pays 20 cents per hour for dial-up, with local connection to more than 2100 cities in Brazil. The CresceNet has a throttle connection, which lets its connection to 10 times faster. Who uses broadband can also profit, simply to register in CresceNet and when to sleep connect by dialup, it is possible to pay for ADSL only with the money from dialup. In times of minutes spent on the single phone is minimal and the pay of CresceNet generous. If you want to link the Cresce.Net ( on your blog I would be grateful, and even more success."

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