"Hi, I found your blog by google is well liked this interesting post. I would like to talk about CresceNet. The CresceNet is a provider of Internet dialup that remunera its users by the time connected. Exactly what you have read, you are paying to connect. The provider pays 20 cents per hour for dial-up, with local connection to more than 2100 cities in Brazil. The CresceNet has a throttle connection, which lets its connection to 10 times faster. Who uses broadband can also profit, simply to register in CresceNet and when to sleep connect by dialup, it is possible to pay for ADSL only with the money from dialup. In times of minutes spent on the single phone is minimal and the pay of CresceNet generous. If you want to link the Cresce.Net (www.provedorcrescenet.com) on your blog I would be grateful, and even more success."
Friday, November 30, 2007
Let's learn Portuguese
Yoz, some of u in Tendays were probably wondering WTH the guy said in my post....well, it seems that he/she was typing in Portuguese.....wierd...wad's someone like that doing here....wanna have fun with John isit-anyway, here's the translated text:
"Hi, I found your blog by google is well liked this interesting post. I would like to talk about CresceNet. The CresceNet is a provider of Internet dialup that remunera its users by the time connected. Exactly what you have read, you are paying to connect. The provider pays 20 cents per hour for dial-up, with local connection to more than 2100 cities in Brazil. The CresceNet has a throttle connection, which lets its connection to 10 times faster. Who uses broadband can also profit, simply to register in CresceNet and when to sleep connect by dialup, it is possible to pay for ADSL only with the money from dialup. In times of minutes spent on the single phone is minimal and the pay of CresceNet generous. If you want to link the Cresce.Net (www.provedorcrescenet.com) on your blog I would be grateful, and even more success."
"Hi, I found your blog by google is well liked this interesting post. I would like to talk about CresceNet. The CresceNet is a provider of Internet dialup that remunera its users by the time connected. Exactly what you have read, you are paying to connect. The provider pays 20 cents per hour for dial-up, with local connection to more than 2100 cities in Brazil. The CresceNet has a throttle connection, which lets its connection to 10 times faster. Who uses broadband can also profit, simply to register in CresceNet and when to sleep connect by dialup, it is possible to pay for ADSL only with the money from dialup. In times of minutes spent on the single phone is minimal and the pay of CresceNet generous. If you want to link the Cresce.Net (www.provedorcrescenet.com) on your blog I would be grateful, and even more success."
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
A very BIG happy B'day to ZY
*ahem**ahem*(dun think sick)
ZY ah, just wanna wish you a very happy b'day. And to make it all the more special and unforgettable, a pet lion is waiting for you raffles hotel. All cute and fluffy. ACTUALLY, i saw a very special T-shirt in Thailand and thought of buying it for u. But meh.....i would have been S***ed to death if i did so. Wanna know why? Hint: the shirt had the words " Warning! Choking Hazard" infront. Think hard and you'll see why.
P.S Have FUN
ZY ah, just wanna wish you a very happy b'day. And to make it all the more special and unforgettable, a pet lion is waiting for you raffles hotel. All cute and fluffy. ACTUALLY, i saw a very special T-shirt in Thailand and thought of buying it for u. But meh.....i would have been S***ed to death if i did so. Wanna know why? Hint: the shirt had the words " Warning! Choking Hazard" infront. Think hard and you'll see why.
P.S Have FUN
BRYAN already booked a hotel suite , it is the Raffles hotel , room 06-238. He will meet u there
tomorrow night.Remember to come
AND have a very romantic and 'ahem' nice night with the big,strong ,lion .
BRYAN already booked a hotel suite , it is the Raffles hotel , room 06-238. He will meet u there
tomorrow night.Remember to come
AND have a very romantic and 'ahem' nice night with the big,strong ,lion .
BAD News
Ladies and gentleman , boys and girls , gays and lesbians , I have
SOME BAD NEWS for our 4e1 class of 2008.
Firstly , i would like to introduce myself , i am JOHH, one ,if not the most, intelligant and brillant in my class , not to mention dashing and suave.
Well , anyway ,enough of my awesome looks , let me tell you of the horrible ,terrible , vegitable
news .
The bad news is :
Wait a second , so is thaat good news or bad news. I don't know. Frankly speaking , i am ambivalent ( check the dictionary).
Partly sad and sobbing , while the other halve , i am ...........
Well anyway , from what MY SOURCE say ( yes , i have sources in and out of the school), in 2008 , there will be 2 CHEM techer teaching us.
1 of them is so called experienced , while the other one is even "more experienced".
Look like KK really left us in the lurch , that.......
For those that are as infuriated and seething with anger , please prankcall KK, this is the no:
Your Sicerely
( winner of the most dirty mind award , most smart and cunning award ,ETc etC)
SOME BAD NEWS for our 4e1 class of 2008.
Firstly , i would like to introduce myself , i am JOHH, one ,if not the most, intelligant and brillant in my class , not to mention dashing and suave.
Well , anyway ,enough of my awesome looks , let me tell you of the horrible ,terrible , vegitable
news .
The bad news is :
Wait a second , so is thaat good news or bad news. I don't know. Frankly speaking , i am ambivalent ( check the dictionary).
Partly sad and sobbing , while the other halve , i am ...........
Well anyway , from what MY SOURCE say ( yes , i have sources in and out of the school), in 2008 , there will be 2 CHEM techer teaching us.
1 of them is so called experienced , while the other one is even "more experienced".
Look like KK really left us in the lurch , that.......
For those that are as infuriated and seething with anger , please prankcall KK, this is the no:
Your Sicerely
( winner of the most dirty mind award , most smart and cunning award ,ETc etC)
Checking in~

Yeah yeah, marvel at the picture before reading this coz i know u cant take ur eyes off it! Lol! Just kiddin. Well, if you haven't seen it before, *nods* yeah, that is us. Ten Days.
Hint: You can tell who is who by lookin at the hair colour, it matches with our blog pic above.
( Yeah Rach. You're still blonde..*points to CW* )
Thanks to our over-talented king of Photoshop ChengWei, and his sidekick (me), we have turned TEN DAYS into HEROES/villians !!!!
Good: Jess, SE
Evil: ZY, Rach, Kei, WJ
Neutral: John, CW, Oli, me
So... reference from the depressing, lonely state of the ten days blog, I guess, no point waiting for John to come back here again and post yet another 'Hello' just for the sake of more posts. So here i am.
It's been dreadfully awful for me. Lots of weird things happened in the past week..
Everyone's just too busy doin their own thing and going on vacations to outer space. What about you guys? No news? I've seen Oliver and ZY at sch and msn ..what about the rest? Sigh. For a group of ten excellent yet incredulously lame students.. it sure is lonely..
From what I heard, Miss Koh's gonna be our form teacher next year?! Gosh. O.o No doubt she'll be drilling us Chemistry too.. your thoughts on that?
Somehow I just cant wait to see my friends ( i mean you ) again..but at the same time I want sec 4 to be as far away as possible... X( Triple homework, triple revision, triple tests, triple stress..
-.- '''''
Well there's no turning back now. Whatever happens... whether its school or outside school..
..promise we'll help each other out okay?
There's no telling what our fate is like in 4e1. Good luck people~
Stay cool and enjoy your holidays to the fullest!
To our fearless auntie of Ten Days
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The number you've dialled is currently not in use......
"Hellos" to all,
just wanna say a "FEW" words....holidays (for us) are finally here!!!...but it seemed to me that everything remained the same.....gahssss...
And i hope that you all had received the copy of my answer scheme for that "test paper"...hahhs
john help me send to mrs hua...
sorry guys that there is no answer for qn4...i lazy type out...
and by the way...i went to popular and saw something....
our emaths textbook for sec 4 is out!!! and its all coloured printed....can you believe it???
and i managed to find the book that mrs cheong printed for us for vocab...
haiz....too bad geography tb is not out yet...history workbook for sec4 is also out..but its the same cover anyway....
and do work harder for next year's spa if you had done badly like me for this year's spa...
ya..i think thats all i am going to say...
perhaps i will be too busy that this might* be my last post for this year...ahhahahhhahs
cheer up guys...
and if you are bored during the holidays...think of words that have special meanings for our class....to name one example : "COME" would be the best example...hahaahahahahs
see ya'
just wanna say a "FEW" words....holidays (for us) are finally here!!!...but it seemed to me that everything remained the same.....gahssss...
And i hope that you all had received the copy of my answer scheme for that "test paper"...hahhs
john help me send to mrs hua...
sorry guys that there is no answer for qn4...i lazy type out...
and by the way...i went to popular and saw something....
our emaths textbook for sec 4 is out!!! and its all coloured printed....can you believe it???
and i managed to find the book that mrs cheong printed for us for vocab...
haiz....too bad geography tb is not out yet...history workbook for sec4 is also out..but its the same cover anyway....
and do work harder for next year's spa if you had done badly like me for this year's spa...
ya..i think thats all i am going to say...
perhaps i will be too busy that this might* be my last post for this year...ahhahahhhahs
cheer up guys...
and if you are bored during the holidays...think of words that have special meanings for our class....to name one example : "COME" would be the best example...hahaahahahahs
see ya'
testing for music
i can't really find any of the songs you guys want )):
walao. stupid lousy system
tell me where to get better music ?
meaning wider range :D
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Ten Days Awards survey!! ^^
1-Rachel, 2-Cally, 3-WeiJie, 4-Siew Ee, 5-Jesslyn ,
1-Rachel, 2-Cally, 3-WeiJie, 4-Siew Ee, 5-Jesslyn ,
6-Cheng Wei, 7-John, 8-Hyder, 9-Oliver, 10- Zhao Ying
Section A:Vote for the member whom you think best deserves the award..
TRY TRY TRY to vote only ONE award per person for this first section.
Hottest guy award 3/6/7/8/9
Hottest girl award (Ah Sui not applicable) 1/2/4/5/10
Dirtiest mind award 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10
Smartest brain award 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10
Coolest kid award 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10
Nonsensical mouth award 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10
Guai guai award 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10
Lamest joker award 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10
Warm-hearted pal award 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10
Teen idol award 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10
Section B: Which member of Ten Days..
1..would you most likely have a crush on?_______________
2..would be a millionaire in the future?_______________
3..is a potential celebrity?__________________
4..could be an inspiring teacher?___________________
5..would go the furthest in his/her studies?______________
6..could lead an army to victory?_______________
7..could be seen on tv, walking on the moon?_____________
8..would attempt on world domination?________________
9..would be lucky enough to survive a nuclear exposion?______________
10..would rescue a kitten from a raging tsunami?______________
Here's what you do. Comment on this post with all your votes. (make sure you number them correctly) And set your name to anonymous so that you remain unknown. Click on 'See Original Post' so you can refer easier. AND i only wanna see 10 COMMENTS and pls do the survey once only. -.-' Results will be out after everyone has voted. THANK YOU VERRAH MUCH. ~Hyd
nice to see such tensions can be solved in just one click.. we should do this more often. Apologize on the blog and forgive em here as well. ahahahaha..
Anyways i was lookin thru the man posts and i found quote a few 'SSS esp 5' drafts that john left. HAHA! I can see how he really took his time ~!
Speaking of SSS, a brand new story (untitled yet) is coming out soon... Its based on the characters of SSS, but this time, it has a MUCH MORE plot (it better!), MUCH MORE battles and some parts are rather violence coz its a fantasy fiction... And whats more, EVERYONE FROM ten days are featured in this story.
^^! Be it you're zhaoying or oliver or rachel or ah sui, your role is just as important as the others as there arent really 'main' characters. But of course, some parts are bigger than the others.
You can count on Cheng Cheng Ho, Lumbridge, Rach Repulsa and SSS making their appearance (i think there will be miss chia as well :X)~ Whether you're a hero, a villian or neither, you're still playing a huge role... so dont fret if you just happen to murder a few thousand turkeys..
But the best part is, everyone's just too tough to die early. ( or should i say get trapped in a dumpster or disappear in a puff of smoke~)
I drew up the 'cover page' for the story, it'll be shown soon... but i need cw's help...again.
Erm, one more thing, hope we dont offend you in any way in the story..... character's actions and words may not resemble your REAL personality, so dont take it too seriously okies?
Support us (the WRITERS)~~!
nice to see such tensions can be solved in just one click.. we should do this more often. Apologize on the blog and forgive em here as well. ahahahaha..
Anyways i was lookin thru the man posts and i found quote a few 'SSS esp 5' drafts that john left. HAHA! I can see how he really took his time ~!
Speaking of SSS, a brand new story (untitled yet) is coming out soon... Its based on the characters of SSS, but this time, it has a MUCH MORE plot (it better!), MUCH MORE battles and some parts are rather violence coz its a fantasy fiction... And whats more, EVERYONE FROM ten days are featured in this story.
^^! Be it you're zhaoying or oliver or rachel or ah sui, your role is just as important as the others as there arent really 'main' characters. But of course, some parts are bigger than the others.
You can count on Cheng Cheng Ho, Lumbridge, Rach Repulsa and SSS making their appearance (i think there will be miss chia as well :X)~ Whether you're a hero, a villian or neither, you're still playing a huge role... so dont fret if you just happen to murder a few thousand turkeys..
But the best part is, everyone's just too tough to die early. ( or should i say get trapped in a dumpster or disappear in a puff of smoke~)
I drew up the 'cover page' for the story, it'll be shown soon... but i need cw's help...again.
Erm, one more thing, hope we dont offend you in any way in the story..... character's actions and words may not resemble your REAL personality, so dont take it too seriously okies?
Support us (the WRITERS)~~!
sorrrry ?
oh gosh.
im sorry jesslyn !
i didnt mean to offend you you in any way )):
sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy !!
* this time it isnt zy making the sorry post?
im sorry jesslyn !
i didnt mean to offend you you in any way )):
sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy !!
* this time it isnt zy making the sorry post?
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